Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday's Children-- Writing: Inspired by Friendship

A weekly blog hop where writers come together to talk about whatever inspires them. Join us!

This week I decided to put my Thursday’s Children post on my group blog because there isn’t a more appropriate place to talk about how my writing is inspired by friendship. 

Way back in the Dark Ages, all the members of this blog took writing classes from the same teacher. Back then, watching everyone’s writing evolve was an inspiration. Over time, I’ve found continuing inspiration from their successes and struggles--and even failures. I often recall things they’ve gone through and find inspiration for fixing a story issue, or avoiding one, or simply the motivation to keep striving to improve my skills as they have. 
I’ve branched out since we first met and have other writing friends and critique partners. When I’m on the pity pot or feel like I can’t write or am groaning because revision is too tough or the process is taking TOO long, all I have to do is think about my friends and what they’ve overcome, and I’m inspired to take a deep breath and keep writing.

I’m inspired not only by what they have been through, but by their advice and critiques, tough love and kindnesses as well. 

And it’s not just my writing friends who inspire me. There have been times when I needed a lift of inspiration and one of my friends who aren’t writers tell me how glad they are that I’ve stuck with it and that they are behind me and excited for me.

Friends. There are so many ways they’ve inspired my writing--sometimes they even end up in my stories as heroes.

So how about you, in what ways do your friends inspire your writing? 


  1. I wouldn't be where I am today (on the edge of a nervous breakdown as the sub process unfolds, just kidding, no, not really...) without my best friend (my husband) and without my CPs and betas who have both kept me writing and made me a better writer. There are definitely elements of the people I love in my stories. Love the "Dick and Jane" retro illustrations :)

  2. Hugs and huge good luck vibes. Yup, my husband's right there at the top of the list--and mostly for ignoring me and leaving me alone when I need it ;)


  4. So important to have commiserators and cheerleaders -and better if they're writers and/or dear friends. Writers need SO much emotional support. We deal in emotions after all--we've got to feel it, and be able to pull ourselves up and share it. If we want to write we need to feel, and it's not always pretty. Great post! Love the retro photos.

  5. You're so right. Also having a bunch of cheerleaders and commiserators keep me from driving my husband nuts--and from thinking I'm totally nuts when I come out of my writing turret crying about people who don't exist in the real world.

  6. That's really awesome to have a group of friends who cheer you on in your writing! To be honest, most of my friends aren't writers and they usually ask me questions like, "So...why are you writing??" But, occasionally, I'll use a few of their quirks/characteristics in some of my characters. Other times, I'll write a story, let it sit, and upon returning to it a few months later find that the main character is exactly like one of my closest friends. So, even though a lot of my friends don't quite "get" why I write, they're still a source of inspiration : )

    1. I think this is why I'm so struck when someone who doesn't write turns out to be an unexpected cheerleader.

      LOL. I usually get asked why I'm not selfpublishing.

  7. Patty, no one is a bigger inspiration than you! I can't count the times over the years I've thought of your persistence and devotion to learning and your ability to dust yourself off and send things out into the world. No one deserves success more than you! I can't wait to see how submissions go this year :)

    1. I'll tell you a secret. I'm preparing myself for submissions by keeping your first round in my mind. It's similar to Jaye's first experience and something which may be a huge help to me emotionally.

      You've also inspired me to put things aside, but not totally give up on them.

      Gosh, we're getting mushy, aren't we?

  8. My friends help me in thousands of ways--maybe a lot like your blog buddies. It's great to know we're not alone on this writing adventure--that we have soulmates and critique partners and caring sisters/ brothers. :)

    1. And those would be the friends who get to be heros in my stories :)

  9. Such a lovely post! I've had several non-writer friends ask to read my ms's just for the sake of reading them and am always so humbled that they'd actually take the time to do so.

  10. I know what you mean. It's a truly special feeling.

  11. I agree - so much better with others who just get it!

    1. That would be why I find Thursdays Children inspiring. It's fun to read blogs and identify with so many things.

  12. I think that as writers we need to be with our own kind. :D I don't know what I'd do without my friends. I've got an amazing local critique group that's been together for years. I've got lovely friends that I've met online and I wouldn't trade any of them. We've all been part of this journey of this journey. :)

  13. Exactly! It's nice to have friends who inspire instead of thinking we're just nuts.

  14. My writing would not be the same without my writing friends. Surrounding oneself with people who "understand" is key to a writer's survival.

  15. Yeah, our writing paths may vary but the core experiences are the similar.

  16. Such a lovely post!
    It is so important to have friends who understand, or at least friends who are genuinely interested. Most people don't understand how difficult it is to get published, and the questions can be a little nerve wracking. And I know they probably don't mean to, but some statements or questions can come off belittling.

  17. I'd go into details, but I need to protect the names of the guilty. But seriously, truth often is stranger than fiction and I pull much of my inspiration from people I know as well as news events. Also, I'm totally loving the retro pictures, btw! Thanks so much for joining us!

  18. I need a daily dose of writing to fix my inevitable I write every day at least 300 words...

  19. I'm so touched when my crit partners and betas take the time to read MY book and make SO MANY in depth comments. One gal hand-wrote me a 9-page letter, and she spent time when she wasn't reading the ms. thinking about my characters! It's just precious.
